Welcome to my blog!

This site is a way for me to share my latest paintings and also the different styles I like working in. If you would like to commission some artwork please do so via the link from my main website www.nileshmistryart.com

I hope you enjoy looking at my work.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Mayur Gajendra.

This is the first of two elephants I painted for a sponsor, BlackRock Investments, as part of the Elephant Parade. Both designs were created in collaboration with the company.

Here the elephant is combined with that other wildlife emblem of India - the peacock - and this is reflected in the name too. "Mayur" means peacock in Sanskrit, while "Gajendra" is the King of the Elephants according to Hindu folklore.

Rather than creating a symmetrical design I thought it would be more interesting to have a different focus of interest on each side. So the fan of feathers sprouts from one ear while on the other side an eye becomes part of a feather.

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